Lavina Ranch

icon-1 Ranch  icon-2 3 Bedroom   icon-3 2 Bathroom

There are a complete set of improvements with the Lavina Ranch including: Good fences and water; a modern home; an older, original home; and older barn. The main home is a 1981 modular home on concrete foundation (1788 sq. ft, 3 BR, 2 BA). The older home is 1848 sq. ft., 1 1/2 story, built in 1915. A 1380 sq. ft. barn w/hay mow built in 1920 is in fair-to-poor condition. Stock water tanks in the pasture closest to the buildings are all-season, frost-free. This property could be quite readily turned into a ‘show ranch’ for horses or purebred cattle.

2,078     Acres Deeded
640     Acres Lease (State of Mont.)
2,718    Acres Total

Native grasses are: Western Wheatgrass; Needle and Thread; and Blue Grama. The CRP ground is seeded to a pasture mix of Crested Wheatgrass; Pubescent Wheatgrass; and Clover. There is approx. 474Acres of cultivated land in CRP. Present contract payments on the CRP ground is $12,220 per year.

Water rights have been re-filed on wells, streams, and springs
In 1981 as required by DNRC.

See attached map from the Climate Atlas of Montana.


$3,200 (approx.)

On Request.

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